
ItstarsKyrieIrvingasthetitlecharacterfromhisPepsiMaxadvertisementsthatbeganairingin2012,alongwithformerNBAplayersShaquilleO'Neal,Chris ...,2017年2月17日—由Pepsi聯手NBA華麗後衛KyrieIrving打造的「UncleDrew」系列廣告,讓K2假扮成老年人並前往籃球公園裏「打爆」年輕球手,如此創意自第一部起便 ...,,,2021年6月19日—KyrieIrvingmeetsPepsiandProsthetics.A19-year-oldKyrieIrvingatthetimeoftheUncleDrewxPepsiMa...

Uncle Drew

It stars Kyrie Irving as the title character from his Pepsi Max advertisements that began airing in 2012, along with former NBA players Shaquille O'Neal, Chris ...

人氣爆棚!Kyrie Irving 確認「Uncle Drew」系列廣告將拍成電影

2017年2月17日 — 由Pepsi 聯手NBA 華麗後衛Kyrie Irving 打造的「Uncle Drew」系列廣告,讓K2 假扮成老年人並前往籃球公園裏「打爆」年輕球手,如此創意自第一部起便 ...

The Genius of Pepsi's Uncle Drew Commercial Campaign

2021年6月19日 — Kyrie Irving meets Pepsi and Prosthetics. A 19-year-old Kyrie Irving at the time of the Uncle Drew x Pepsi Max release, had worked on a broader ...



Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
